Our Farm

Welcome to Wholly Cow Farms, where we are committed to helping health-conscious families like you provide high-quality meals for their families so that they can find peace of mind at dinner time.


Wholly Cow Farms was founded by Ryan and Tish Pace in 2014. The Pace Family recognized a need for organic protein as they were raising their 3 children, Reid, Layne and Luke. Today - Wholly Cow Farms operates as a family business. Ryan Pace farms, Tish Pace cooks, Reid Pace coordinates shipping, Layne Pace Turley leads our marketing, and Luke Pace and Rebecca Elliott (Tish's sister) helps pack & deliver. As a family, we are committed to providing the highest quality protein on the market, and we will NEVER sacrifice our quality. 


With nearly 800 acres, over 600 animals, and a lot of hard work we are committed to doing things the right way. Today, we are recognized as the only USDA certified organic, grass-fed, grass-finished beef farm in the state of Arkansas. At Wholly Cow Farms, we are committed to organic, grass fed and grass finished farming without any of the genetically modified grains or harmful vaccinations you will find in most available sources. We know this is essential for providing a quality product that is healthy for families and healing for the environment.


We are proud to be a part of the farm-to-table movement and to be able to offer our customers the highest quality meat on the market that is perfect for health conscious families who appreciate convenience. Our customers have filled the freezer with the highest quality and healthiest beef on the market, and we’re ready to help you do the same.


Join us in our mission to keep families healthy without compromise by supporting our organic farm and sharing your experience with friends and family as well.


Thank you for choosing Wholly Cow Farms. We look forward to serving you and bringing you along in our farm journey with you and yours.